Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Molten Chocolate Cake

Okay, so have you ever eaten a molten chocolate cake at a restaurant and feel like you were in the middle of a dream it was so good? And have you ever though how amazing the dessert chef must be to whip up something THIS delicious? Well...you can now be that dessert chef sending your guests into their own little chocolate heaven...and it is SOOOO easy! I know you may not believe me, but just read the recipe below, it is a piece of cake! I want this every day of my life...but I am afraid that would bring on some very unwanted pounds.

Molten Chocolate Cake

4 pieces semi sweet baking chocolate (4 oz. total)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
6 Tbs. flour

Preheat over to 425 degrees. Spray 4 custard cups with Pam and place on cookie sheet. Microwave chocolate and butter in large bowl on high for about 1 minute, or until butter is melted. Whisk until chocolate is also melted. Stir in powdered sugar until well blended. WHisk in eggs and egg yolks. Stir in flour. Divide evenly between cups. Bake for 13-14 minutes until sides are firm and center is soft. Let stand one minute. Invert cakes onto dishes (I had to run a knife between the cake and dish on the edges to loosen it.) and top with ice cream and/or whipped cream.

Serves 4.

Recipe from The PioneerWoman

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