Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Macademia Crusted Chicken

This was so nice for a change in flavor to our chicken dishes! I absolutely love macadamia nuts, and they had just enough flavor from them, not too much that Cody wouldn't eat it! He actually approved this 'different' meal for the future! Woo-hoo! The recipe says to deep fat fry the chicken, but I couldn't bring myself to do that! (And, we just don't have the pan necessary for that!) So, we baked our chicken. I think that it turned out wonderful!

From: Melanie Gunnell

12 chicken tenderloins (14 oz.), larger ones cut in half (chicken breasts cut into thin slices would work great, too)
1 cup flour, seasoned generously with salt and pepper
2 eggs, lightly beaten
8 oz. macadamia nuts, finely chopped
2 cups breadcrumbs
Salt for seasoning

Cut the chicken into strips, Dust the chicken strips with the flour, then dip them in the egg and, finally, coat them generously in the combined nuts and breadcrumbs. Chill for at least 30 minutes to firm up.

To bake: Place chilled, coated chicken on a cookie sheet and bake for 15-20 min. at 350.

To deep fat fry: Fill a large, heavy-based saucepan (I used my electric frypan) one-third full of oil and heat to 350 degrees, or until a cube of bread dropped in the oil browns in 15 seconds. Cook the chicken strips in batches for 4-5 minutes, or until golden brown all over, taking care not to burn the nuts. Drain on crumpled paper towels. 


  1. I was making my shopping list for the next couple weeks just as this one popped up...we are gonna try it out! It sounds DELICIOUS.

  2. Ditto on what Kecia said - looks awesome! And if it's Cody-proof, it's likely Brian-proof! :)
    Yeah, so we're in Vernal during the week. C'mon, take a road trip out! But if you're too much of a slacker to do that (or squimish at the thought of seeing a few dozen roadkill victims)... then totally drop by anytime - we'd love to see ya! Anytime Saturdays or Sundays. Sundays church is from 2-5 (crazy-late, I know)
    Keep up the fun cooking, so I can live (and eat?) vicariously thru you. (We only have a microwave and toaster here...seriously limits my options)

  3. OK - It was a success! I think next time I make this I might try adding a little bit of coconut milk to the eggs...or make a coconut sauce to go over the chicken. Macadamia nuts and Coconut..hmmm..

    Next we are going to try the honey-lime enchiladas.
